The School Advisory Council (SAC) is composed of the principal and a balanced number of elected teachers, education support employees, students, and parents, along with appointed business and community people, who are representative of the ethnic, racial, and economic community served by the school.

We need YOU to make a different at Eccleston and you can do this by joining SAC. The duties of the SAC members are:

  • Advise in developing the school’s vision.
  • Use state and district goals as a guide for assessing the school’s needs.
  • Determine and prioritize the goals of the school based on appropriate needs assessments and other data.
  • Develop measurable objectives and strategies for addressing the goals that have been prioritized.
  • Assist in the preparation, implementation, and evaluation of the school improvement plan.
  • Identify the appropriate use of the school improvement dollars for implementing the approved school improvement plan.
  • Operate in compliance with Florida Law.
  • Assist principal in preparation of the school’s annual budget.
  • Shall not have any powers and duties preserved by law for the School Board.

The SAC is comprised of parents, community members and school personnel who are committed to attending monthly meetings in which school curriculum is discussed. The SAC members are collectively responsible for writing our School Improvement Plan. This plan represents the academic direction that the school will soar toward during the year.

Please consider being a part of SAC to have an impact on your child’s education. Contact our front office for more information.